Novo Plast G 24 is a chloride free workability retention admixture based on selected organic polymers. It is supplied as a brown solution, which instantly disperses in water.
Novo Plast G 24 complies with ASTM C 494 as Type G.
Novo Plast G 24 is high range water reducing, workability retention, and superplasticizer concrete admixture.
Increase workability without extra water, reducing placing time and costs.
Give increased working life to fresh concrete.
Aid pumping by improving cohesion and reducing workability loss.
Reduce water by more than 15 % % where increases the compressive strength of concrete without effect on its workability of concrete.
Improve cohesion, minimize segregation and improve surface finish.
Chloride free, safe to use in reinforced concrete.
Can be used with concrete containing micro silica and other cement replacements.
Fields of use
Novo Plast G 24 is used with all types of cement To obtain the following properties of concrete :
To obtain concrete with superior workability.
Pouring large amounts of concrete.
Prefabricated concrete.
Concrete with high compressive strength.
Novo Plast G 24 is used in the production of concrete with workabilityHigh running, high stresses such as columns and ceilings, bridges, concrete with a high content of Rebar, and other installations with high specifications.
Consumption Rate
Density: (1.155±0.01) kg / L
Dosage: 0.8 to 2 L per 100 kg of cementitious material